In September of 2012, the fourth International Chinese Film Festival was held in Sydney. “Golden Dragon”, the renamed award, was showed to the entire world for the first time. This name indicated that Chinese films will be well-known in every country, like the worldwide perception of Chinese totem of Dragon. In the fourth International Chinese Film Festival, a lot of excellent Chinese film were shown on Australian screens such as Painted Skin, Gun and Roses, Dangerous Liaisons etc. Starry Starry Night, 33 Postcards and Warriors of the Rainbow: Sediq Bale, three toughing films, won the “Golden Dragon”.
2012 Award Winner

Pauline CHAN
ICFF Best Director

ICFF Best Actor

Jiao Xu
ICFF Best Actress

ICFF Best Actress
2012 Candidate Film
2012 Jury Panel

Jonathan Shteinman
Film Producer

Pauline CHAN
Actress and Director

Alex Law
Film Director and Scriptwriter

Xiao Feng
Film Director

Stephen Jenner
Managing Director